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Hold Yourself Accountable

In an age where people can be quick to assert their rights but slow to live up to their responsibilities, we at Pittard advise our leaders to hold their people accountable. That is, accountable for doing winning actions, in large quantities, on a regular basis.

In Sales, there are right actions and wrong actions. The right actions lead to a listing, a sale, or a price reduction, and eventually to properties sold and fees received. The wrong actions are a waste of time and don’t lead to results.

In my 25 years as a real estate agency profit consultant, I have had the privilege of working with many winners and I have seen that they share many qualities.

One of these qualities is that a great salesperson never waits for their boss to put pressure on them. They put pressure on themselves to do the right actions. They hold themselvesaccountable.

They apply pressure to themselves so that their leaders never have to.

Canadian trainer Brian Tracy says, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me”. Nobody is going to make you successful. Many people can help but ultimately you and nobody else is responsible for your success.

You have the choice to:

  • Set goals, plan and follow your plans, or not.
  • Control the way you think. You can blame the market for a lack of results – be a ‘market victim’ – or you can take responsibility and find listings, reduce overpriced listings and contact motivated buyers.
  • Set standards and adhere to them, or not.

It all boils down to this: you can do, or you can be a person who doesn’t do. If you don’t, it’s nobody else’s fault.

Hold yourself accountable. Your success is in your hands.

It always has been.

Gary Pittard

Want to reach your profit potential? Contact us now.


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330 Wattle Street

Ultimo NSW 2007

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PO Box 2045
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

: (02) 8217 8500
Fax: (02) 9281 4198
AUS Free call: 1800 663 600
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International: +61 2 8217 8500

: info@pittard.com.au

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